Friday, July 31, 2009

Bud Light for Obama?

Did Obama pick the nation's most popular beer Bud Light with political outreach in mind?

Well you might think, like I mistakenly did, that Bud Light is as American as apple pie. But after some research I discovered that both you and I would be wrong. Despite the fact that the beer is brewed in the U.S. it is owned by a Belgium company therefore making it foreign. It was bought in 2008 though, so it was a very recent transition. Kind of a trick question, I know.

So Obama would have been better off picking Coors or Miller Light to look more American.

This was all part of the sit down with Henry Louis Gates Jr and his arresting officer Crowley. It was an attempt to quell the situation and slow the mounting racial tension. Gates Jr picked Red Stripe and Crowley picked Blue Moon as his favorite beer.

I just think it's odd for the President to try to solve such low level disputes in person. Doesn't he have bigger issues and foreign leaders to deal with? I guess it was because he stuck his nose in the matter that he ending up forcing himself to solve the dispute.

Man I would love to have heard the conversation between the three of them, too bad it was private. Would it have been extremely awkward or would it be Barack having to calm them both down the whole time?

No bar fights please!


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